
Welcome to SmokeBot, an EU-funded research project in the area of robotics. We are a consortium of three University partners, a research institute, an industrial partner and an end user from four European countries.

SmokeBot - Solutions for Robots Facing Restricted Visibility

SmokeBot is driven by the application needs for robots that operate in domains with restricted visibility. The focus is on civil robots supporting fire brigades in search and rescue missions, e.g. in post-disaster management operations in response to tunnel fires. Existing sensor technology and the related cognitive approaches cannot cope with such demanding conditions. SmokeBot addresses this shortcoming and can thus bring about a step change for robotics. It will deliver software and hardware components which facilitate robot systems to perform under harsh conditions of smoke, dust or fog.

SmokeBot - An Instance of a Low Visibility Explorer Robot

The ability to operate under low visibility conditions will be demonstrated through integration of the project results in an industrial prototype of a Low Visibility Explorer Robot for providing situational awareness based on a commercial platform from partner taurob. In close collaboration with the Fire Department Dortmund and other end users in the advisory group, SmokeBot will crucially improve the abilities of the selected platform, thus increasing safety of rescue staff and European citizens.

SmokeBot - Development of a Novel RGT-V Sensor Unit

An even wider impact is expected through the development of a novel sensor unit and the corresponding cognitive approaches. In addition to traditional sensors such as LIDAR and cameras, which are affected by smoke or dust, this sensing unit includes also a novel 3D radar camera, a stereo thermal camera, and high-bandwidth gas sensors. Fusion of sensor modalities in an RGT-V unit (radar, gas sensors, thermal cameras - vision) will allow the inclusion of measurements from LIDAR and camera into the world model when they occasionally penetrate through e.g. smoke. In addition, we will develop the means to integrate prior knowledge in the form of crude human sketch maps to allow for robust mapping and navigation even under conditions of low visibility. Sensor technology from SmokeBot will result in new products to be brought to market after the project. Software developed will be made available as open source.

SmokeBot - Profile

Feb 3, 2015: taurob tracker climbing stairs at the SmokeBot kickoff meeting.
2018, June 29:
Taping with Euronews at the FDDO Firehouse in Dortmund.

2018, June 28:
Final Review meeting at the FDDO Firehouse in Dortmund.

2018, June 7:
SmokeBot consortium integration work at the Firehouse in Dortmund.

2018, April 24-28:
SmokeBot booth at the Hannover Messe, Hall 2, A08.

2017, August 19:
Interview about SmokeBot and Best paper award with Project Coordinator, Achim Lilienthal and Technical Manager, Erik Schaffernicht, oru.se.

2017, May 31:
Best Paper Award for SmokeBot paper 'Exploration and Localization of a Gas Source with MOX Gas Sensors on a Mobile Robot - A Gaussian Regression Bout Amplitude Approach' by M. Vuka, E. Schaffernicht, M. Schmuker, V. H. Bennetts, F. Amigoni and A. J. Lilienthal.

2017, April 28:
Second SmokeBot Periodic Review meeting in Örebro

2017, April 27:
Steering Board meeting in Örebro

2017, April 3-7:
Integration Week in Örebro

2017, January 21-23:
Partner taurob booth at the Intersec 2017 in Dubai.

2016, October 26:
SmokeBot at Vinnova conference Spelplan Europa at the exhibition.

2016, October 4 - 5:
SmokeBot Meeting in Dortmund.

2016, March 23:
ERF 2016 workshop Perception and Cognitive Abilities for Disaster Management Robots.

2016, March:
Create sketch maps here.

2015, September 22:
Second Steering Board Meeting in Warwick

2015, September 17:
Second SmokeBot progress meeting.

2015, June 16:
First SmokeBot progress meeting.

2015, May 5:
Presentation of SmokeBot at the Workshop 'Millimeter Radar' at the Fraunhofer institute in Wachtberg, Germany.

2015, April 23:
Submission of Deliverable D2.1 'Technical Specification of High-Bandwidth Chemical (MOX and Polymer) Sensor'.

2015, March 31:
Submission of Deliverable D7.1 'Initial Requirement Analysis and Use Case Definition'.

2015, March 27:
Submission of Deliverable D9.1 'Initial Data Management Plan'.

2015, March 13:
ERF 2015 workshop Operator Assisted Mobile Robots for Inspection of Harsh Environments.

2015, February 2 - 3:
Kick-off and first Steering Board meeting in Vienna.

2015, January 1:
Project start!